
Impact of UEM Projects in African Communities

In the framework of the work of the governing boards of UEM, from 14 to 18 June the UEM African Regional Board (ARB) meets at the ELCT-Karagwe Diocese in Karagwe district Tanzania. ARB consists of 10 members, but this time 7 members were able to attend, 3 could not attend for different basic reasons. ELCT-KAD welcomed and received the board members with joy, love, and cheers accompanied with choirs and trumpets.

The purpose of the ARB meeting is to receive and evaluate the work done in the African Region since their last meeting in October 2023 at Cameroon EEC. The Board receives reports from the UEM Colleagues about the joint plans implemented, the progress of the United Action as well as the project supported to all members.

The welcoming service was led by Bishop Dr. Benson Bagonza, attended also by KAD diocesan leaders, pastors and choir members. In his welcoming Bishop Bagonza emphasized on responsibility and reliability. After welcomed the ARB members the chairman of ARB Bishop Mothusi Letlhage officiated the meeting and invited the host church for the Introduction. Bishop Bagonza on behalf of KAD gave a presentation where the participants got to know the history of the Diocese and the progress in their area of operation. Apart from that, the participants learned about the culture of the Nyambo tribe and their behavior. The content of presentation was compatible with the UEM expression “Diversity is our Strength.” All the members appreciated the welcomes of KAD and its development despite the challenges they facing. The Executive Secretary of Africa Department Rev Dr John Kabango presented greetings from the UEM General Secretary and the Management Team who blessed KAD to organize this meeting.

After KAD presentation the Chairman of ARB continued with the activities of ARB by inviting UEM staff to present and share their reports on the programs implemented. The staff shared progress reports on activities, visits and implementation of joint programs. The United Action Report was also presented and discussed so that the Churches can achieve the goals. New information about the preparation of General Conference was shared and reminded that the African Region is the host of this Conference.

In the evening the members of the Board had the opportunity to visit a project sponsored by UEM within ELCT-KAD. It was a very good experience to witness how a member of UEM helps the member churches in different projects for the sustainability of the churches.

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